Volunteering at the Pikes Peek 10k Race

Ruichen Feng, 7th grader ,

April 21, 2024

It’s the second year since I joined Capital Youth Outreach Club( CYOC), which I am very proud of because we are a group of young people that serve our community. This time, as a CYOC memeber, I am helping with the 2024 10K race happening in our region. It was a chilly morning at Pike and Rose as me and my dad drove into the parking garage. As I was walking with him, I saw a big sign that said “Pikes Peek 10k” (It was spelled “peek”, I don’t know if that was intentional or not), which was the name of the race I volunteered for today. 

Continue reading Volunteering at the Pikes Peek 10k Race

CYOC supports Pike’s Peek 10K

Bill Qian

又逢一年一度的Pike‘s Peek 10K比赛,这是MCRRC(Montgomery Country Road Runner Club)组织的一个活动,比赛始于Shady Grove Metro Station,止于Pike and Rose; 基本沿着355奔跑;点到点直线赛道且整体下坡,一直受到众多跑步爱好者的青睐,也被跑者爱好者称为PR course,成为很多跑着者测试自己10公里跑步成绩的必跑,也是跑者们测试其他长度的比赛(半马或全马)配速的标杆;赛后兼有音乐,美食,美景,跑步爱好者都可以借此机会聚聚,perfect networking。

Continue reading CYOC supports Pike’s Peek 10K


Author: Sophie Xu
photographer: Sophie Xu

2023年9月9日晚,大华府地区中国大专联三十周年晚会在Winston Churchill high school拉开帷幕。嘹亮的歌声,歌颂着这些年来的故事;热情的秧歌舞,传达着大专联的生生不息;优美的华尔兹,预示着未来的前程似锦。这三十年来大专联走过风风雨雨,从未退缩放弃,大家齐心协力跨越了重重困难,才有了如今的成绩。此刻大专联人被环绕在歌声舞蹈之中,享受着属于他们的喜悦。

Continue reading 大专联三十周年晚会2023



在二零二三年九月九日举行了大华府地区中国大专院校校友会联合会(大专联)在马里兰州Winston Churchill High School举行庆祝成立三十周年的文艺演出。庆祝多年来对华府地区和全国带来的影响,并且做到了大度宣传中国文化。邀请到了多位政府代表者,马里兰州州长,国会参议员Van Hollen和州审计官 Brooke Lierman代表。州参议员林立图,州首席行政法法官Chung Pak, 州长亚裔办公室主任王佩莲和马里兰韩裔主席兼州亚裔委员Hyun-Sook Choi。


Continue reading 庆祝大专联成立三十周年文艺演出成功举办,华府青年义工表现出色

My Experience with the “Grand Performance Celebrating the 30th Anniversary for the Establishment of the Chinese Alumni Associations of Greater Washington (CAAGW)”

Jaylynne Yang 9/09/23

On Saturday, August 9, I attended a celebration of the 30th anniversary of CAAGW, which is an nonprofit organization that promotes friendship among the Chinese community and with others. There were so many unique performances performed by people of all ages; from choirs to all kinds of dances, it was a truly spectacular show. All the shows were able to showcase Chinese culture and I felt really good being able to connect with my culture and see the many talents of people in my community.I volunteered to help with the organization of the event to make it run smoothly. My friend Jennifer W. and I stood at the entrance directing people to the stage/seating area. So many people came in to watch the performance or be a part of the performance, so it was a very lively night. It was also interesting to see the detailed costumes worn by the performers. The volunteers here made this event possible by helping to move objects backstage and cleaning up. In return, we were able to enjoy a spectacular show!I am so grateful for being able to help out in this community of friends and family. Sitting in the audience listening to the dancing and singing made me want to sing too! I would also like to mention without the parents who contributed their efforts, this special event couldn’t have happened. I am looking forward to the next event from CAAGW!

CAAGW’s 30th Anniversary: Celebrating Community and Progress

By: Peishi Yu

On September 9, 2023, the Chinese Alumni Associations of Greater Washington (CAAGW) held a 30th anniversary party. This marked a significant milestone in CAAGW’s mission to foster an inclusive community.

Established in 1993, the CAAGW has become a non-profit organization composed of 78 colleges and university alum associations. This has made CAAGW into the echelons of distinction as one of the largest and most influential Chinese associations in the DMV area. The CAAGW not only serves the Chinese community, but also supports all communities unwaveringly. These 30 years have been nothing short of glorious for the CAAGW and all of its associates.

(Photo Taken by Peishi Yu)

Continue reading CAAGW’s 30th Anniversary: Celebrating Community and Progress


Author: Sophie Xu
Photographer: Sophie Xu


Continue reading 华盛顿中国文化节2023

My Experience at the Chinese Cultural Festival

By Iris Li

Growing up as a Chinese-American, I always felt a bit out of place with my heritage. Not knowing the language well and feeling awkward with my appearance and food was a common struggle, and I always felt like I was too different from the Chinese kids that lived in China and were familiar with their culture. I remember the days in elementary school where I would be slightly embarrassed about my home packed lunch. While I had noodles and dumplings, the other kids had lunchables. I envied them and wished deep down that I could fit in like the rest. As I grew older and moved around to different places with my family, I could slowly feel the Chinese roots disappearing away from me. I no longer had home packed lunches, my Chinese soon got worse and I noticed myself speaking English more. As a child, I didn’t mind it much, but as a teenager now I wish I had learned Chinese and appreciated my culture.

Continue reading My Experience at the Chinese Cultural Festival

On 3rd and 4th Street……

By Michael Li

It was a sultry afternoon on Penn Ave. Tents were assembled side to side on the asphalt road, hanging colorful flags and showing off vibrant signs. Not a single car passed through that street; at least not for the duration of such a special occasion. T’was the day of the Chinese Cultural Festival at the heart of Washington DC. T’was also the day for volunteers at their own tent, ready to attract passerby living in DC and outside tourists alike.

Continue reading On 3rd and 4th Street……